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The Spontaneaous Order of the Arts



"Like other complex adaptive systems (CAS), any given work of art is complex, is a discovery process, makes use of rules, relies on the knowledge and insight of the artist, and evolved through feedback from others artists and the artist’s audience. The same could be said of an artist’s history of work, and of the arts as a system. More, if spontaneous orders require equality of status among agents, freedom of entry and exit, and rules of procedure, then it seems that the arts qualify as a social spontaneous order. With the specific example of literature, we also see that with the emergence of the literary spontaneous order, the foundations for the other liberal spontaneous orders – the free market and democracy in particular – are laid."


Entrepreneur, Like an artist, he is a visionary, a risk taker, and a pioneer, and if he is to be successful, he will generally be found running counter to the crowd, or at least ahead of it. In the end, autonomous literature contributes to the development and maintenance of the liberal society precisely because it contributes to the creation of the kind of people able to prosper in spontaneous social orders.


The liberal arts including- art, literature, philosophy, architecture, and music- to liberate those who learned from and participated in them. Respect for individuality and equality of status.



"if you want to undermine spontaneous social orders and turn them into controlled orders, first undermine literary autonomy – indeed, all the liberal arts, whether architecture or philosophy. "





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