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What is virtue?
Can virtue be taught?

The conclusion was that we need to know what virtue actually is.

What are the characteristics of virtue?
He compares it to color. We have different colors but they all have some characteristics that makes them a color.

Virtue is not knowledge therefore its not teachable nor learnable.
Virtue is a kind of wisdom.
We can't make others like ourselves because it is not knowledge which makes them what they are. 

Beneficence is a type of virtue.
Knowledge is not a type of virtye.

Right opinion vs. Knowledge.
Right opinion only succeeds some times. It has no certainty. 
Knowledge always succeeds, once recollected it is never forgotten. 
Only true belief and knowledge guide correctly. 


1.The pious is what I am doing, prosecuting the wrongdoer: Socrates is pious because he is prosecuting the wrongdoer.

2. What is dear to the gods is pious and what is not is impious: Everything that the gods like or appreciate is pious and what they don't is impious.

3. Pious is what is love by all the gods. Impious: what the gods hate: Everything that the gods love is pious, "pious" is loved for a reason but it isn't pious because it's being loved by the gods; piety has the quality of being loved. 

4. Pious is the part of justice, concerned with the care of the gods: Where there’s piety there’s also justice, but when there’s justice there’s not always piety. What’s pious is concerned with the justice of the gods, justice is up to men.

5.  Pious is the knowledge of how to sacrifice and pray: sacrifices are gifts and praying is begging to the gods for something to happen.




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