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​The Copernican Revolution

Why did they take so long for the heliocentric system to be adopted?
- it was able to predict
- useful for navigation

Javier: tools and knowledge. It needed to make sense.

Theory will transcend the known.

- why was innovation difficult for an Aristotelian to accept?
- what is a crystalline sphere?
- what is the role of the elements in the Aristotelian structure of the universe?
- what is Aristotle's argument for the Earth to stand still?
- why did Copernicus fail to design an Aristotelian universe?
- what is the Aristotelian universe?
- what is aether?
- why the Aristotelian conception of the universe did not survive the modification that made the Earth a planet?
- what are planets and stars made up of?
Aristotle's ideals were believed for almost 2000 years, until 1600 when Copernicus came in. 

- We have many scientists today wondering the galaxies.
- We never wonder, we don't have the eager to learn new stuff
Schools have been transforming into a type of church where a dogma is taught and you just sit as an audience member without asking yourself any questions. 

- A theme that can be seen throughout chapters 4&5 is that "movement is not a perfect state of being, but that which is perfect is still" 

- Copernicus wrote his book for knowledgeable astronomers.
- The catholic church was not against Copernicus new ideas. They were accepted by cardinals.
- The catholic church was not against scientific progress.
- Fc=mv2/r
- Centrifugal force
- The moon goes around the earth due to orbits.
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