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Thinking, Fast and Slow

This book is one of my favorite books that we are reading at the MPC and that's because it talks about the way our brain works and how it reacts to certain things and occasions. We are discussing this book with a psychologist, Dylan Evans, and I have to say that he is a very interesting person. You can read a brief summary about him under the VISITORS section.



- Idea of depressive realism: the idea that people are more accurate in their perceptions when they are depressed. In a sense, depressed people are more realistic.


6 topics we discussed on NOVEMBER 22


- Finding someone attractive, not a basic assessment

- Automatic processing in visual system/internal chatterbox

- Halo effect

- Ojective judgements

- Wysiati

- Principle of interdependent judgement. 


The tendency to like or dislike everything of a person including things that you have not observed.

The reason of it is because our brain is a center of neurons with associations.


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