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Let Your Life Speak

This was the first book we read at the MPC and it talk about the life of the author and how the decisions he took during his life brought him to find his vocation. What I've read so far has been very interesting.

I feel that the timing for reading this book was perfect, since most of us who came to the MPC was becuase we weren't sure of what to study during college, or simply like many different subjects and didn't know which one to choose from. 

That was exactly what happened to me becuase I was studying Communication Studies at Universidad Rafael Landivar, which is a field that I do like, but I then realized that I was there just becuase my parents wanted me to be doing something , not becuase I really enjoyed the career. 

So now I am at the MPC and on the path of finding my true vocation.


One quote that struck me a lot while reading this book was

""Be not afraid" does not mean we cannot have fear"

​Fear is something that we all have, the important thing is if we can overcome that fear and not let it take us and influence us. 


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